Monday, October 28, 2013


As i was reading the first article, i also had Facebook open and i was going through all of my old pictures and i was uploading a couple new ones. It kind of caught me off guard when the author when the author made the statement about how people say they don't want their information to be public to the world, but they openly display it to the world via social networks and imputing personal information into the internet, because that is the way i feel, but i'm guilty of what he accuses our society of. I find it very interesting how people will consciously upload information about themselves onto the web to try and in a way get public attention, when they try to lead private lives outside of the internet. i leads me to be more cautious towards how i use the internet because of all the possibilities that could cause damage to one, just by trying to be social with ones online community.

Right To Tinker

The difference between mechanical and digital tinkering i believe is that of what is physically done and what is physically produced. with mechanical tinkering, changes can be seen in the physical world with machines or other technology that are only done in the physical world, where as tinkering in the digital world will make alterations into a computers microchip or some other software device like one. The changes would not necisarrily be seen in the physical world, or maybe not even at all in the digital world, for underneath layers and layers of coding, it would be hard to distinguish what sort of digital changes have been made. where as a mechanical change can be noticed right away by looking at the change with you're eyes in the real world.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Back in freshman year, i was trying to get a T-Shirt sold because a buddy of mine had just showed me a cool new website that allowed you to create models for T-Shirts, and people online can view and make a purchase of your shirt that you have created. However, the only problem with my idea for the T-Shirt, is that i had used the copy righted symbol of the WSU cougar in it. I had spent hours on the shirt idea and crafting together the layout of the shirt, but upon further submission of the work, my Dad told me that i should contact WSU for further information about using their copy righted material. When i contacted WSU about my shirt, they had told me that i would not be able to proceed with the shirt unless i purchased rights from the school which was some thousand dollar fee to use the product for one article of clothing. I didn't think i was going to make a viral phenomenon with my shirt so i unfortunately had to take down the idea of my shirt, but that was my first introduction with the world of copy right laws. In the readings we have been asked to do they talk a lot about how the copy rights take effect and how they apply to certain things that people own, regardless of the variations.

10-11 Blog Post

(^I dont know how to get the video to show on my blog)

 This video is a mash up of 50 different songs from 2013. One would normally think that this would be under huge scrutiny from the copy rights and legality of such a thing, and then putting it on youtube for millions to watch and enjoy. But artists that have been placed into this mashup, dont take much offense to this song because of its popularity, in fact they are enthusiastic about it. The video plays little snippets of some of the more popular songs from 2013, but the main attraction for the artists represented in this video is the advertisement that it gave for such artists. It allowed them to get the few remaining people who had not heard their song yet, to get a little segment of their work, and then figure out who that artist is. In my own personal experience, i never heard a majority of the songs in this video, because i'm usually pretty stingy about new music that comes out, but when i listened to the mash up, it gave me little segments of the 50 songs represented in the mash up and caused me to download a couple that i liked from the mash up. Me falling victim to the advertisement scheme that the song had intended.

Monday, October 7, 2013

October 7th

In the idea of what information and randomness, i believe that randomness helps aid the press of knowledge into ones own thoughts. this meaning that the medium is as important as the information itself. In my other DTC class we are talking about how the medium of the information helps user retain knowledge, and/or become more apt to process the information instead of just skimming over it. An example of such a think would be a person reading a notice of storm warning from word of mouth, as opposed to that of a storm warning across the screen of your TV. The storm warning across the TV will come in at random and with high alert warning signs to get your attention, and if you see that, you will know that it is serious and take in the information with a more significant understanding of the information that was displayed